Monday, August 15, 2016

Week 5

This week has been better! Monday we had dinner with the Mayes family. They are awesome! We had a good time there and had a few contacts and a lesson while in Spearman. There is mainly just fields here.. lol. 

Tuesday was well. We drove to Borger after one lesson in the morning. We got there ahead of schedule so I found a Walmart and got some items that I needed (bike seat, thread, pull-up bar) We had interviews with Pres. Heap and that was great. He showed me some scriptures to read that really helped me with some issues I had been experiencing. He is great. Then we went on exchanges with the Borger elders (Hansen and Cooper). That was fun. After that, we ate dinner at Bennigans. I ate something small because it was a little expensive lol. I don't like using more than I have to. Then Elder Cooper and I played basketball at the church with some members and investigators. I packed Elder Cooper 2 times. HE'S 6'4!!! I was so proud lol. Then we stayed in Borger that night. 

Wednesday- We had zone conference. I took a ton of notes and got to have ice cream! A member brought 4 gallons of ice cream for the missionaries! (He works at blue bell.... lol) We drove home after stopping for me to get my family some gifts. That's a long straight drive! To stay awake, I ate sunflower seeds from the Stainbacks! lol. They are the only thing that kept me awake. We got back and taught some and then retired for the night. 

Thursday- We did our morning routine and then saw C. She is a paralyzed investigator and she was bad off. We knocked on the door to find her crying. We gave her scriptures of comfort and left after about 20 minutes. Then we drove to Spearman to catch a ride to a funeral, from our branch that was being held in Borger, from Brother Pipkin. He's pretty awesome. I wrote letters back on the ride there and back! I am try use my time wisely!!! After the funeral, we came home and ate some chicken that I cooked and then we taught more lessons. We teach about 6 lessons a day, which is a TON for our area!!! That night I did a little extra exercise and then went to bed. 

Friday- We did service Friday for 2 hours at the Senoir center. There we serve food. Then we had 4 total lessons after that. We bike all day to save miles on our car! We have to travel at least 1-2 times a week to far away areas so we can't really drive often in our area! I fixed my seat on my bike so it wouldn't hurt my butt. I have a huge seat now that is crazy soft!!! YAY! We stayed at Branch President Garnett's house. 

I left home a month ago...

Saturday- We got to go to the Temple!!!!!!!!!!!!! We rode with the Mayes family. They are the best! They packed us breakfast and lunch and then bought us donuts and dinner!!! The kids in the family love me! I love teaching them NC habits! (good ones lol) They make me laugh so much. Especially the Dad and Levi! (he prefers Leviathon) hahahaha. Then we came back and planned for week. 

I have been out for a month on this day too... lol

Sunday- We went to Branch council meeting. Church was great. I learned a lot and our less active came! His name is R. Hes pretty cool. He looks rough and mean but is a sweetheart! Unlike me.... jk hahahah. We ended up teaching 6 LESSONS after church!!!!!!!!!! 6!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a record! So we hope to have more solid investigators soon!. 

Monday/Today- We left apartment at 10 to help a family move! They are awesome! I also almost chopped my thumb off! i have about a 1/8-1/4 inch of skin hanging off my thumb that is about 1/2 long..... Its hurts... Especially after typing all of this! But I'm good. We went shopping and all that today. I ate subway for lunch! Had the sub of the day....hahaha. now I'm emailing....Tomorrow is exchanges. So I'll be going to Dumas. I will be checking mail when we get back to apartments. 

Thanks to all of those who mail me letters and packages! It means the world to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elder Zeagler