Monday, August 28, 2017

Week 59

So, I have news you probably won't like.... I don't agree with it or like it, but I need to be obedient and follow it! so here it is:

Our mission President would like us not to chat back and forth anymore over emails. He wants us to send 1 email to everyone about the spiritual stuff and then a few personal emails if needed. 

Like I said, I don't like it at all..... but please follow this and help me be obedient. Here is a study I did this week that helped me to see I need to be obedient to his direction:

A paragraph from my setting apart blessing says, 

" I bless you with a desire unto obedience, that you will strive to live by every word and principle of missionary life. That as you do so, therein, you will find safety and protection and the choice blessings that our heavenly father reserves for the obedient."

2 Nephi 5:31-33
31 Wherefore, I, Nephi, to be obedient to the commandments othe Lord, went and made thesplates upon which have 
engraven these things.
My mission president receives direction from the Lord and I need to follow it. I was obedient like Nephi and wrote the one email each week.
32 And engraved that which is pleasing unto God. And if my people are pleased with the things of God they will be pleased with mine engravings which are upon these plates.
I emailed that which was pleasing to God. If people back home are pleased with the things of God, they will be pleased with my email.
33 And if my people desire to know the more particular part of the history of my people they must search mine other plates.
If they want to know more, they can send me one email with questions to be answered. 
And another part of my setting apart blessing:
"I bless your family through you that they will be able to provide you with the support and sustaining that you need to carry you throughout the difficulties and trials ahead, and that they, in turn, will will receive blessings unlooked for through your service."
I know this is not easy for any of us, But we need to be obedient to what the Lord says. I love you and cant wait to hear from ya'll! 

Had another Busy week. Seems like being a ZL takes up a ton of time with duties and responsibilities that we have! I've grown to love the missionaries in my zone quickly! I have 6 trainees!! I'm loving helping them. :D

Not too much out of the ordinary happened this week.....  but, all is good for me! I'm enjoying life a ton and getting the most I can out of it!! I have really been enjoying the scriptures more than ever! They are super powerful and make my day always. I love the Gospel and am forever grateful for my Savior! I hope y'all have a good week. I'll write more next week. 

Elder Nathan Zeagler.  l_l-_-l   <--- Ready to Baptize!

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