Monday, July 31, 2017

Week 55

Things that happened this week:

1. I made some RIBS!!!
2. Had another sweet DM and we went and did some sweet finding for the role play time! Elder McMaster and I  were together and we found some cool and crazy people for the sisters :D
3. Did some bomb finding and talked to a lot of people and have a ton of return appts for this week :)
4. Reset one of our investigator's baptismal dates!
5. About got in a fight with an investigator's boyfriend. He was mad that we taught his GF the law of chastity! lol. He was screaming at us and was about to punch me! But, the Lord kept us safe!!!
6. Found out that we were voted volunteers of the month for the city! So, we will be in the paper this week sometime! :D Getting our picture taken today.
7. I cut elder beans hair again because I got a cape! 
8. Did some sweet fun service with our Bishop. Then gave him a blessing because he's having surgery this week.
9. Did some sweet service in Muleshoe for members and did some fun finding. 
10. Portales' streets stink bad! The drainage is terrible here!

Just a great week! I really loved it. Working hard and it's the best and most fun ever!

So... this is one I totally came up with through the Spirit!!

Study over Alma 5:9-27 and ponder how it relates to you.
Then sit back and look at the beautiful sky and listen to "I feel my Savior's love". See how the rays of sun shine through. Imagine the Savior coming down. How would you feel? (be honest with yourself! 2 nephi 9:34). Are you ready? Then pay closer attention to the lyrics of the song and ask yourself, do you believe them? If not, decide what is wrong and how to fix it. 

This is something I struggle with. sometimes. Times get tough and I personally have a hard time believing these lyrics. It's something I'm working on still and its slowly helping me. So be patient with those you love, maybe they just need to feel truly loved. 

Love yall. Have a great week!

Elder Nathan Zeagler.  l_l-_-l   <--- Ready to Baptize!

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